Haiti is tomorrow! craziness.
I have most of the packing done but definitely need to finish that up tonight and get a few things taken care of that are still on my list of things to do. Brian was great and let me do a lot of stuff last night (and he helped) since we have had a crazy week with his accident and getting a new car for him.
Did I tell you that I was SO excited. Ready? well God knows I am as ready as I can be. I am so excited to see what he is doing down there and get to be a part of it. I have no idea what all he has in store but I know it will be good.
Something BIG to pray for is my health and malaria pills. I started taking them 1 week prior to leaving but they are not settling well with me. There are tons of side affects and of course I have a few. Pray that they would not interfere with my attitude and ability. The biggest deterrent would be if I get dehydrated (seeing how even after drinking tons of water I constantly feel thirsty!) and I will be expending a lot of energy and sweat while there.
I know that God has all of this. And he knew my doctor would prescribe the kind he did and that I would be sick from them etc etc etc...so I choose to trust him with it. And as I type this my fingers/hands and toes/legs are tingling which is not a good thing. (3 hours later) I called the doctor and pharmacist again to now be told to stop my Mefloquine and start taking Doxycycline because that was a severe side effect. Doxycycline is in the same family as Tetracycline which I know messes with me a lot but is supposed to be less hard on the stomach and is a lower dosage than I took when I took Tetracycline in collage (Lynda and Beth will remember that experience).. All this to say prayers are needed that it all works out and is better with the new meds. Apparently I have a low tolerance for antibiotics...who knew...this is why I never take medicine.
So pray that I would have his eyes and his ears and that I would continue to abide in him so that he can use me as his tool because I can do nothing apart from him!
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