Thursday, September 19, 2013

Young Life Prayers

A couple weeks ago one of my YL kids called to let me know that their friend Amanda had passed away after an ATV accident. Amanda went to YL camp with us the last summer before the girls went off to college. She was a friend of one of my core girls and so I had not gotten to know her as well until we went to camp. It has been hard to try and be there for the girls while being in KY and so removed from their lives for some time now.

But, I love that they still call me. Not that I am needed but that the Lord is willing to use me to speak truth into their lives and be his voice (and his ears). What a blessing. Even when I am unable to keep in touch with everyone.

God continues to use them in my life. Reminding me of what matters and that life is short and we are called to choose life this day (Deuteronomy 30:19). But how can they know (to choose life) if no one tells them (Romans 10:14)?

This was the little nudge and reminder that I do not want to see YL start in Jessamine County because that's what I do and that what I want to be a part of. YL is not the thing but the avenue in which I get to join God in what he is doing. (not that he is not doing this same stuff other ways/avenues).  I have a desire to go where the unbelievers are.  To be the bridge between the church and the world. To share the good news with high school students who have not heard, but I believe I have to earn the right to be heard.

I have kind of stalled on doing much for YL when no one showed up at the end of June.  I can give excuses of the summer and how busy we were but to be honest its hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable with something that means so much to you for fear of the rejection.  And lets be honest when no one shows up for an informational meeting you better believe that I felt vulnerable.

Then I get the reminder its not about YL its about hearts and life with Christ.  I have started (the last two weeks so far) going to the high school on Tuesday evenings and praying for the community, teachers, and students. I am hoping to get a group of Youth leaders in churches in the area to meet and hear about YL and see if they have people in their churches that they know would be a good fit for the YL committee that we are trying to start. But you see I can not ask others to be praying for something that I was not very intentionally praying for.

Apart from him we can do nothing....

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