Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July so far...

SO remember that one time when it rained anytime you tried to do something outside? Well not only did it rain, it poured and stormed for the four days that we had planned to go camping over the fourth of July weekend. We went with some friends of ours who have two kids that we watch every Sunday night. They went up the night before we did.  Although it rained some it was manageable and when we arrived on the 4th during the day it was pretty nice out. Little did we know that at about 9:00pm it would begin to pour so much so fast the whole camp ground area was flooding. Not a dry spot to stand. Add some lightning and we knew we had to get out of there since it was no longer safe. We drove to a Comfort Inn about 35mins away and we packed a room with the 6 of us. Good memories. The next day we went back and let our stuff dry out a bit before packing up. There was more storms and rain headed our way. We had a sleep over with our friends and continued our weekend off with them.
all our camping stuff packed and ready to go

Harmon boy!

Sunday night the sun finally peeked out as the rain stopped!

The month has been full of gardening and trying to keep up with the rain, the sunshine and weeds! My corn are not working out well because they are spread too thin and fall over when it storms. Better luck next year.
We have received our first two zucchini and one squash so far. There are a few more growing along with A LOT of green tomatoes. Impatiently waiting to make sauce and salsa! And the cucumber, watermelon and cantaloupe vines are taking off!

This last week marked the end of our softball league season. No surprise that we didn't win but it was fun to play! Brian had his summer class all week and it was just a blessing to have the weekend off together. Saturday we worked in the garden some, cleaned our house and had 8 people over for dinner followed by a Lexington Legends baseball game where we all got free tickets. We definitely love our community that we have here!
Baby Tyler's first baseball game! I scored him a baseball too!

Sunday we went to church and got to hang out and relax before we went and picked blackberries and blueberries with some other friends of ours! Umm hello, free fruit that you can pick and give half to the place! Yes, Please! We had a few peaches already so I decided to make our favorite Psencik Peach Farm Cobbler recipe which of course turned out yummy!

I have also been busy with making tote bags for some of my friends and family.  I made Ashlyn one for her birthday at the beginning of July, one for Lynda (just because) and one for my friend Leah whose birthday is tomorrow! We also got a free desk that I will use for my sewing station. I can't wait for the fabric that I bought on Amazon to arrive so that I can work on Chris and Kendra's bags! I should be able to make 4 bags out of what I got but I will be taking my tote pattern I learned on and making it a little bit different and fun!
All three are similar but different and unique for the person I made them for :)

Things I am looking forward to:
MD and PA Trip= Heart is happy! I get to see a lot of family that I have not seen in a while. Not to mention my cousin Amanda who is the first of the cousins to be pregnant and we get to celebrate with her at her baby shower. Oh and don't forget we get to eat some crab! :)

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