Thursday, December 13, 2012


Well lets just say that is how I have been feeling for the last couple weeks.  Way overload of stress.  I look back to when my mom died and wonder about how I handled that stress which was obviously different but equally or even more stressful than now.

Family issues and then stress from Brian's school wrapping up the semester was more than I was able to do.  I am glad things are slowing down a bit.  There is still a ton of unknowns for some issues but I was able to catch up on some sleep and hopefully we will move forward with all that needs to get done.  Being home for the holidays may help being able to communicate with some family members. (Yes I am being super vague...sorry there are a lot of things up in the air with my family that can't be discussed just yet).

Brian just finished his last final last night about 1:30am.  I am so proud of how he has worked hard throughout the semester and really stepped up.  If you know the history of Brian and school you know there was always tension. Brian is so smart and when he chooses to he can do really well.  I have been blessed to support him this first semester and I know that it will be a long road still over the next 3.5years but I know that we will make it through.

Yeah for a month of no classes (even if he has to order books and read some before his first class) and time to spend together with our families.  One week away from Vacation! :)

Hoping the Chaos is over for now...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reminded of God's Goodness

Focusing on these words today:

Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant through the trial and the change

Thanking Jesus for being bigger and more in control than I will ever know.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"If Everything Comes Down to Love"

Trying to be patient in this season

You're no good unless you are a good assistant; and if you are, you're too good to be an assistant.  ~Martin H. Fischer

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.  ~Confucius

Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas.  ~Paula Poundstone

 Ecclesiaste 3:1-22
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
What gain has the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 12 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; 13 also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man.

 48months (4 years) = How long we will be in Wilmore/ I will work at the seminary.
 3months = How many I have worked so far.

We are taking each month, one month at a time.  45months isn't too long... its just a season.

Monday, November 26, 2012

22 things that I am thankful for...

This is a little late because my husband was on the computer all weekend doing hmwk! But it is still worth posting:
Everyone (it seems) has been writing what they are thankful for (one thing per day in November) and I on the other hand have not....

So since Thanksgiving is on the 22nd of November here are 22 things I am thankful for:

1. A God who loves me in a way that I can only begin to understand.
2. My loving and wonderful Husband.
3. My Amazing Dad.
4. All of my siblings. ("be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future." -Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen)
5. Wonderful lifelong friends who I am grateful for.
6. A job that uses some of my natural skills and will pay a big chunk of Brian's schooling.
7. Thankful that the Lord uses people and things (music, movies etc) to speak truth into my life.
8.  For a wonderful apartment that has everything we need.
9. Thankful to live in a state that has all of the seasons.
10. For my health.
11. Ability to take Zumba classes for $1 and work out for free at the seminary.
12. For new friends in KY! 
13. God's Provision over and beyond what I can imagine. Meeting every need.
14. Washer and Dryer in my home :)
15. The ability to run and exercise without my knee hurting (1st month since May!)
16.Thankful for YL and the people I have met over the years through it.
17. Getting to experience the seasons changing again, now that we moved to KY.
18. Boots for $7. I really needed some and we ended up finding some that go with dress pants and jeans!
19. How God orchestrates things at specific moments and just like a match can turn into a wildfire so quickly things begin and end just as quickly.
20. That this too is just a season.
21. My gift of service.
22. Long vacations in December that end one year very well and begin another with Family! :) 19 days!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's for Dinner?

okay so I will have to say this is one of my new favorites.  Way better than ham and scalloped potatoes, but very similar. Yummy cheesy goodness!

Check out the recipe and look at reviews too(they always have helpful suggestions).

Tonight I am making it (as directed minus the paprika) for the second time (still have Velveeta cheese left) and I am going to add some frozen broccoli to it with a salad on the side.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

You are mine

Love this song. Not sure if I have shared it before.  Hard to find a good video to go with it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy (what would have been) 44th Birthday!

Every year I have been excited about my Birthday.  There are many women (and men) who have said that  that will change as you get older.  But with each  new year I will count it as a blessing.  And if by God's grace I live past 42years old (something my beautiful mother did not get to do) those years will be the sweetest and I will be grateful each and every day for a new day.

Live each day as if it were your last. For we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

James 4:13-15
13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today at Lunch

Today at lunch I was reminded of how much I miss my mom.

This week has been a long week. One of those that drags and drags. Especially because I am dreading tomorrow. November 8th. One of the three hardest days of the year (Mom's anniversary of her death and Mother's Day being the other two).  It will come every year and this is the second year so far that we do not celebrate my mom's birthday with her.

SO back to what I was really wanting to share.  Today at lunch one of the admins was sharing about her recent trip home to PA to surprise her mom for her Birthday.  (My mom's birthday is tomorrow and of course I cannot go home and surprise her.)

I just smiled and really and truly thought it was so neat what she had done for her mom but I sat quietly living in my grief.  There have been only a few people here in Wilmore that I have talked or shared my mom's death with at all. And the group of women that I was eating with would have been so kind and gracious if I chose to share or relate the surprise trip Heidi took to see her mom to the fact that tomorrow is my mom's birthday but she passed away in Jan of 2011 and I would give anything to see her.

Yeah, no. I can't do that. I can't be the person who brings down the mood of the room.  So I sat so nice making sure I did not shed any tears.

Heidi also shared about some personal stuff in her life that happened over the last year or so with one of the newer admins. One part was about hiding away in the stall of the bathroom crying.  (Hello! I remember so many times were I would go to the bathroom because my desk was out in the open at Baylor and I did not want others to see me cry. These of course were in the early months after my mom passed away.)

Today I just felt like I understood so much of what she was talking about (even though they are completely different major events in our lives) but I just felt like I couldn't share anything.  I really hate that feeling.

Living with a blessed mindset

God is gracious. God is Good. And God always provides. 
I complain about my job or have days where I would give anything to be doing anything else.

Today as I was getting ready to leave for lunch (with some other admins from the seminary) I realized I am blessed to have a job, insurance, and it is helping pay Brian's way through school.  I should not be complaining nor should I go one day without realizing how blessed I really am.

Thank you God for the sweet reminders and speaking to my heart about the everyday.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Moving Forward

I thank God for his patience and leading in my life.

Sometime you have to take a step out and trust the Lord to lead you and redirect you if need be.

I have been going back and forth between wanting to keep pursuing/starting YL here in Jessamine County or do something else. As of late that something else has been going back to school part-time and getting a Masters Degree while Brian finishes school since the first 2/3rd if the degree that I could finish would be free while I work at ATS.

Wednesday in the 3min drive home I decided I didn't want to take classes. I wanted to do YL.

I have always know that this is what I really wanted to do. There a few things that are not from God that were keeping me from really moving forward with YL.

-Societal Views: If you can further your education for free you would be crazy to pass it up.
-It is going to be hard

Reasons that kept me wanting to do YL even though it would be a start up and it would be hard and long process:
-I love and miss Young Life
-I want to do ministry now.
-I want to build relationships.
-I want to tell the good news of Jesus to High School Students.
-I want to be a part of a community that serves and gives sacrificially of their time, talents and lives.
-I want more than the 8-5 job and church on Sundays.

 I think most people who hear will  think I am crazy for not going back to school while the very few who know my heart and where I have come from will understand. These are the same rational smart woman in my life that when I decided to go back to class and just give up on YL because it would be hard/ no one was really in support of it at this time, spoke truth into me that made me second guess myself. Truth that reminded me of the tears that fell two and a half months ago when I wept because I didn't want to not do YL for another 4 years.

 I believe God has called me to ministry and he has blessed me with the experience and training (and some amazing people who I can ask for wisdom from).

So succeed or fail. I choose to seek God in what he is doing right now.  Who knows how God wants to use my willing heart or the people that I will encounter during this time.  I am excited about the conversations that I will be able to have and the relationships that will come from them.

Do what makes you feel alive! That is how you know your doing what God would have for you.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall is here!

I am glad that it is Fall. I am not so excited to see 36degrees for a low though :) Today my CO friends woke up to the first snow. That was always the best.  Really any time it snowed and went away shortly after I was a happy camper. I am hoping we don't get too much snow here or freezing rain. It will be an adventure to see what the weather is like in Wilmore. Pictures with the leaves will be a must and I promise to share them :)

We were asked to help lead and coordinate the Young Adult activities at the church that we are a part of.  It is exciting and I am sure it will be a lot of fun.I am hoping that I can discern more about where God wants me. I have been so stubborn when it comes to this and saying no to everything that comes up just because it wasn't what I had planned. What I planned? Yes I do hear how ridiculous this sounds. So here is trusting the Lord with this and waiting to see where he wants Brian and I to be his hands and feet and join him in the ministry that he is already doing.

Nothing more to report on the YL front.  Nothing is really starting up or moving forward. I am trying to decide if I want to start a masters program for free at the seminary (which I could get about 2/3rds of the way through by the time Brian gets done if I go part time). I love to learn and was excited about maybe taking classes when we came but I am just not sure how much extra stress it would be to add 6 credit hours to working 40hours plus babysitting. I think that if I didn't decide to do it I would be deciding out of fear of failing or giving up if I were to start.  You can never be sure of something until you try, right?

Brian and I are still really hoping to find people that we connect with. And really new best friends in this new stage in life - people we can do life with.  It is funny, but Brian would tell me just because you have Lynda as your best friend doesn't mean you can't find more. I am very aware of that. I am also aware of the fact that it takes a million times longer to find those kinds of relationships when you do not live with other people and are not going to class.  Some friendships, even though we are far (like the 6 pack or Lynda, Beth and Makenzie from Colorado), will always be there because you shared life with them in a way that you have not with others. It took a long time to realize what I had in Texas because my mindset was so closed to what the Lord was doing. There were many amazing woman and friends that poured into my life even if it was different than I imagined it should be. In the 2.5 years that I lived in Texas I changed so much and so much life happened. I had to figure out life on my own after college, life in a new state, my mom passed away, Brian and I worked through so much in our relationship and finally got married :) and there are a handful of poeple that were there through all of that when I needed them.

I find myself complaining about what is wrong, about what I don't have and how much I have to do. God is being so patient with me. I am excited to see what God has planned for our time here in Wilmore. I just pray that I wouldn't miss it. And I so desperately long for relationships that challenge me and call out truth in my life.

So we step out, we have people over for dinner (like tonight), we go to the family retreat with our church, we have a pumpkin carving party at our house, and we host Thanksgiving dinner for whoever is not going home/wont be with family. We say yes to coordinating the Young Adults activities. We say yes instead of the familiar no that seems safer and maybe the thing they are asking isnt quiet what you wanted to be a part of, but it is where God has you now.

Here I lay my picture of what life is supposed to look like in Wilmore KY for the next four years and I choose to be obedient to the only one who can give me "life to the full".

Friday, September 14, 2012


Sometimes it is the little things like pizza that just get us excited.  I really am proud of myself for choosing to find ways to save money and still get to enjoy some of our favorite things...

I got to make homemade pizza (and the dough--yeast free easy kind). Here is the recipe:

I went ahead and did 1.5 of the recipe because I didn't know how much dough it would make. It made a large sized pizza with thin crust after rolling it out and then fitting it to our pizza pan.

I think if we make it again we will double the recipe so that we can have a little thicker crust around the edges!  It was easy, great and we can make pizza 3 times and spend between 8-10dollars. :)

p.s. BAKERY OUTLET is the best place ever:

All of this for $4.00
If you have never seen one of these places you need to see if you have something like it near you.  $4.00 for three loaves of bread (and not the cheap store brand kind), 3 things of English muffins and a thing of hamburger buns. Yes, please.(no Brian and I do not eat all that bread in a month but we do use our freezer!) :)

Longley Happenings...

The last three months in Kentucky have been great.  Brian and I cannot even express how great it has been to have time together.  Life has been a lot slower than the craziness of life in Texas.  Both of us are not working two jobs, looking for new jobs in a whole other state and we are not planning a wedding.  It was so good not working for a month and yet that was not real life and of course it had to come to an end.  And that is not a bad thing.  We thank God for the time and pray that it has strengthened our marriage.

School started two weeks ago for Brian and I have been thrown into a very busy fast paced job at the seminary.  No longer am I looking at the clock wondering when it will be 5pm, now I am looking at the clock wishing I had more time to finish what I am working on.  Still defiantly learning and will be for the next year as I experience a what the school year looks like at ATS.

Brian first job here did not work out and he has since started working at CVS while waiting to hear back about a bank job that he really wants.  Life has seemed all worked out and we were set for the fall everything changed when his job changed and my babysitting stuff changed. We are even looking into a different job that he may apply for but if not at least he will begin training to work in the pharmacy at CVS.

In the midst of all the change and uncertainty I had been looking into doing YL here. When we moved here I was so excited to be able to do YL or to take classes or do whatever I wanted.  Deciding what to be involved in and where the Lord wants me has been a challenge.  Six weeks ago I wrote an e-mail to one of the guys on staff with YL in Lexington and was able to talk with a staff person about what YL looked like in Lexington area/Jessamine County.

It wasn't the best news in the world because it didn't seem like there was a possibility of doing YL in Jessamine County (where we live and want to have community).  I wrestled with this for about 3weeks.  I tried to be okay and decided I will work with a youth group or take classes at the seminary (which are free). One day while nannying in the beginning of August I just sat on the couch and cried. I mourned the fact that I wouldn't be able to be a part of YL for another 4years.  It was then that I decided I will write an e-mail and tell them my heart and my experience with YL and see about starting up YL. (p.s. way easier to type/say/read than to actually do).  That e-mail sat in my drafts box for about 2 weeks.  I had e-mailed it to a great friend of mine who shared in my journey with YL in college and she encouraged me to send it.  It took me talking to her on the phone to send it. I had been wrestling with if it was simply what I wanted, was it what God was calling me to or am I just a whiner who is living in the past and not seeing what the Lord has for me in the now?

I sent the e-mail.  This last Monday I met with the AD of Lexington, KY YL and we talked about my life, story and what brought me to KY as well as the story of YL in Jessamine County and what that means for now.  For many reasons, which I understand, we (people who believe in YL and want to see it spread into the neighboring counties in KY) are waiting on the Lord to raise up a committee to really take ownership.  So I will take the stand, the only one I am able to as of now, and pray for the committee and for the hearts of people who can rally around a ministry that I believe in so much and have such a desire to be a part of it.  Pray that I would have eyes to see and ears to hear where he wants me in all of this and who he may bring before my path as I go forth and simply begin the conversation with those in the community.  If you would join me in that, it would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Still expectantly waiting...

Its been over 1.5 years later since my mom passed away.  It still seems surreal and I still miss her (or have dreams where she is in them!) Yet, I know that the Lord will use it for good. I saw the picture below on Pintrest a few weeks ago and it really choked me up.  Some days Brian still gets sad when he thinks about his mom (which was 8years ago) and yet he can hold on to the truth that the Lord did use it for good.  His call to ministry and so much more was born out of that.  I think that I am still waiting for the good to come.

I am just very thankful for the fact that my siblings are starting to do better with all of it:

Just wanted to let you know yesterday AJ and I were leaving the beach with the girls and as soon as I turned on the truck "Meet Virginia" came on. I turned it all the way up and we started to sing along as loud as we could! It was awesome. AJ had a huge smile on his face! :) I love you so much and miss you everyday but the things that remind me of you are starting to make smile instead of cry! ♥ -Ashlyn Frazer

Lauren is now in College and A.J. has started high school.  So much change that she has missed.  But there is a reason.  I am just still waiting to see what will be born our of this pain.

Betty Homemaker?

Since moving to Wilmore and needing to save money (no jobs the first month and wanting to pay for Brian's school without acquiring anymore debt) I have been doing a lot more baking and making things from scratch.    I will get into moods where I want to just cook something and freeze it and be one of those "wifes/moms".  Thanks to Pintrest I have been able to try new things (because I am super unoriginal/not creative).

My latest creations include Baked Oatmeal that you can freeze and heat up later, breakfast sandwiches, and banana snacker things.  

Breakfast sandwiches that I didnt get a picture of (reheat in the oven for best taste):

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I am reminded of how much the Lord Loves me.  (he does love you too!)  How many times do we really stop and think about the way he is orchestrating our lives to bring us closer to him and to share him with others.  In church today the pastor said, "God gazes upon you!"  Can you just let that sink in for a minute.  Little old me among the many and he chooses to gaze on me! Oh what a thanklful heart I have.  My story, my journey in life, my life if you may has the Lord written all over it.  I am his child.

I did not always love my job at Baylor while in Waco.  There were many reasons and circumstances that played into this, but one thing for sure is that the Lord used that time.  I have been a whiner and complainer (when I do not wait patiently for the Lord) which ends up biting myself in the butt later!

Thank God that he is a God who loves me even when I am ungrateful and whinny.  The long over due answer (well at least to this impatient child of God) to the question, "Why am I working 8-5 in an office at a computer and NOT doing something that uses the desires of my heart?" was finally answered!

I got a job! Thank you God.  Not only did I get a full time job with vacation time and insurance right around the corner from where I live, But I got a job that after 2 years of working in higher education you get 50% off your spouse or dependents tuition.  And after 4years you get 100% tuition paid.  So we thinking we will be in Wilmore for 4years will be able to use the 50% off after two years of me working at the Seminary.

Oh no, it gets better! My 22months at Baylor goes towards to time needs to get tuition help for Brian's school.  So what we are looking at is after 2months of me working at Asbury the 50% off his tuition kicks in the following semester.  And his last three semesters at Asbury will be free. CRAZY.  The Lord is blessing us in so many ways.  He is providing and meeting our needs as well as honoring our desire to not go into more student loan debt.

My time at Baylor was not for nothing.  The Lord was making a way for us to afford seminary long before we knew.  I will still need to babysit/nanny part time in addition to my full time job but I am confident the Lord has a plan for us and I pray that I would only be grateful and thankful for all that I have.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Started Nannying this last week for two awesome little boys!
Reis (2) on the right and Ian (5) on the Left

They are pretty great and fun to work with! Every morning I get there about 6:50am and when I come up over the hill to their neighborhood this is what I see:

not too bad of a view!
We are all settled in (still need to hang pictures and for whatever reason this is the thing that we dread doing so we haven't finished :/ )

Also my car is officially registered in KY! So weird.  I have lived in CO and TX but only had AZ plates...

                                      Kentucky is Beautiful and the storms are pretty great as well:


Okay so we have had a lot of time to experiment and cook/bake new things as we slowly meet people and get settled into what real life will be like when Brian goes back to school this fall.  So thankful for the slow and go and time together!

Last weekend it was homemade doughnuts:

This weekend it was Apple Bread:

We didnt have walnuts so I used sliced almonds that we had!

Resting in the Lord

I was showering and listening to music and I was overwhelmed by God's love for me.  His child. Oh how he loves me so.  I knew it in my heart.  And I was reminded of the verse in Matthew 10 that speaks about the sparrows.

29 "Aren't two sparrows sold for only a penny? But not one of them falls to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 He even counts every hair on your head! 31 So don't be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows."

If the Lord takes care of a simple sparrow and he died for me how much more am I loved.  He paid everything for me.

I love it when the Lord reminds us of his Love and reminds us that He alone will provide and as his child I shall not worry.

The Lord has blessed Brian with a great job and he has given me a temporary nanny position.  All of our needs are being met.  I have a job interview for two positions in the admissions department at Asbury University tomorrow (Monday).  It is a 3.5 hour long interview.  If this is the way the Lord wants to provide I  know he will. If it isn't he has something already lined up to start right when the temporary nanny position ends. Another nanny position but one that would indeed provide.  Maybe it would not provide in the way I would like but who am I to question.  I know the Lord has good for Brian and I.

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Beginnings...

It has been a crazy month and I have thought about writing but so much has happened and changed it was hard to sit down and write it all out.

Kentucky is Beautiful! My favorite kind of beautiful.  Green with tress everywhere. 

Basement apartment with our own drive way and entrance.

We arrived June 18th after a weekend of travel and family.  Our ABF relocube arrived with our stuff just minutes after we pulled up.  The internet company also showered up within 30mins.  We were blessed and amazed at the apartment we showed up to.  If you were unaware, we had only seen pictures before moving in.  It is perfect.  Enough space for all of our stuff, closet space, halfway under ground (big help since its been in the 100s here!), and now we have a washer/dryer in our home.  It is the little stuff for me :)

It is also so nice to not be living out of boxes ( I will confess the 2nd bedroom still has a few boxes...thats Brian's project since it will be his space for studying).  We are very blessed.  Our landlord's had us over for dinner the first night we arrived.  Everyone has been so nice and helpful since moving to Wilmore.  I am excited to find our community here.

The Lord's provision has been above and beyond anything Brian could have dreamed of.  The moving details all fell into place.  Our apartment is great.  Our landlords are great.  Brian started a job this last Monday working construction/remodeling with a guy who started the company after he finished seminary 8 years ago.  Brian loves the guys he works with and is enjoying learning how to do some new things.  He isn't liking how sore he is. This job is perfect because he is able to work full time when he can (summers/breaks etc) and he is able to work part time during the school year.

I start a nanny position this upcoming Monday.  It is 45hours/wk Monday-Friday and its for 5weeks.  I am excited to have found something for the time being and it will meet our needs for now.  I have to admit I have been struggling with knowing God is going to provide and really believing it in my heart.  It is hard to admit because God has been so faithful before and every need I have ever had has always been met.  Satan likes to put other thoughts in our heads that are not truth.  I think it has been easier to get to me when I keep having amazing interviews (I am getting really good at interviewing!) and then they tell me it was between me and one other but they went with the other person.  But they really did like me.  I need to get better at not getting my hopes up I guess.  Anyway there are two positions at Asbury University open in the Admissions department and I have a phone interview this upcoming week for both followed by in-person interviews for the top 2-3 candidates.  Hopeful.


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Over the last 2+ years (almost 2.5) I have gotten to know an amazing church body that is Brazos Meadows Baptist Church.  They have blessed me in countless ways and I am grateful to have known each of them.  It was awesome to find my "adoptive family" there who have been a joy and blessing to know.  I also got to witness something that doesn't always happen.  A body of believers coming together to support a mission trip that is through another church. Just one of the awesome things they did.  The Lord has used BMBC to provide for me, as well as a place to find some amazing poeple who have walked along side me as my journey brought me to Waco.

The quilt above was an idea by my "adoptive mom" from the kids at Brazos to me. So sweet!

Thank you BMBC for loving me well!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh my...

I am trying to sit still while at work and I need to go run a mile or something to take away the excitement and adrenalin I have.  What an afternoon!

I was sitting here and I get an e-mail from someone at Asbury Theological Seminary for an interview next week! As I am trying to not freak out (over excitement and provision this job could be) and e-mail back a good time to meet, I got a phone call for another position through Americorps for Lexington Rescue Mission. Both of these jobs would be amazing (for different reasons of course)!

The only reason I answered that phone call was because am still waiting to hear back about my interview from last week and it was an 859 number which is in KY.

So three possible ways the Lord is going to provide. All of which are the more exciting jobs I have applied to! So Blessed! The Lord is Good.

Continued prayer over these interviews, possible job opportunities for Brian, our move(which is happening next week!) and discernment if it comes to me choosing which one would be best is much needed!

Here is to a great last weekend in waco cleaning/packing/waco's farmer's market/saying some goodbyes and hanging out with people!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Married Life (One month in...)

I think it could be fun to have little posts about what Brian and I are learning as we begin on this road as a married couple...

This last month has been great and Brian and I have been overwhelmed with the blessing others have been in our life during this season!  We loved having all of our family and friends (that were able to) come and share that special moment with us.  We got some of the pictures back (I will post them shortly or check out Facebook for them in the meanwhile) this week and we are in love with them.  I think I got to re-live that day by looking at all of the pictures.  Something that was present, was JOY. You can see it in a few pictures of Brian and I laughing and enjoying the day. So good.

Married life so far:

After a month and 2 days of sharing a bed with someone who sleeps way different than I do (he likes to wrap his feet in his blankets while I like to have everything tucked in nicely) I gave in and decided it was fine if the covers wouldn't be tucked in.  We are definitely leaning some of the little things will have to change.  The best part of giving up something (yes, even something as small as the covers) is the appreciation that comes with it.  It makes it easier as we learn to love each other more each day to know this person who loves you will recognize your sacrifices (if we can call them that).  We are being constantly reminded of our need for Jesus so much more now than before and are grateful for that and excited for what the Lord will be doing in this time. 

June 15th is Moving Day! We will be packing up our ABF cargo container thing on June 12th and cleaning the apartment/loading cars and finishing out the work week.  Friday after work we will drive to Dallas to have dinner and stay with Brian's Brother and Sister-in-Law.  Saturday we will drive to MO and see my step-dad and siblings.  Monday we will head on out the rest of the way to KY. We are so excited.  There is still so much to do and I am hoping that since tomorrow is officially June it will make it seem even closer and help me kick it into gear and get some motivation to pack. :) 

Tomorrow night I have a phone interview and we are waiting to hear back about a potential Skype interview for Brian as well!  Continued prayers for jobs is always appreciated.

And SO, each day we are choosing to live out these vows we gave, even when the world throws us curve balls and there is so much uncertainty ahead:

I will 
cherish and love you …
more each day….
than I did the day before.
I will trust you…
and respect you,
laugh with you…
and cry with you, 
loving you faithfully …
through good times and bad,
regardless of the obstacles 
we may face together.
I give you my hand,
my heart,
and my love, from this day forward
for as long as we both shall live.

Birthday and Blackberries!

For memorial weekend (other known as my birthday weekend) Brian and I went to his grandmother's peach farm in stone wall by Fredricksburg TX.  Usually they have lots of peaches when we come (end of June beginning of July) but this time it was Blackberry season!

YUM, is right! There were tons (an still are).  We were able to make a blackberry cobbler and eat as many as we liked over the weekend. We also brought about 8 quarts back with us.  I have already made one cobbler for Brian and I with a quart.  I have given 3 quarts away to various people and tomorrow I will be making another cobbler for work.  The rest of the blackberries will just be for eating :)

Friday morning before we got to the farm Brian's grandparents had some people come over and pick berries but they left them there.  So we had a good 40cups of blackberries if not more sitting in the fridge needing to be eaten or cooked or something.  We made 5 batches of blackberry jam (26pints!!!) on Sunday! :)  It was super fun.  i have not done much or any canning before so I was able to learn how to do it all!  It is a job though. It took us about 4hours to get everything set up, make it, and clean up.