Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 months

It has been a crazy last 5 months and the second you think you are moving forward something pulls you back.

I am trying to trust that God has me where he wants but it is so hard.
To quote my friend Dan again:
"And this is life, it smacks you in the face, it blesses you in countless ways, it confuses you to the point where you forget who you are and where you're going."

Blessed is the one who trusts You
Like a tree that cannot be moved
You say jump to arms wide open
I am scared but I am willing

For blessed is the one
Blessed is the one who trusts You

(You), faithful, just and good
Shepherd of my heart
Lead me to where You are

And I remember all Your goodness
Suffering through the desert places
You never said it would be easy
You just promised you'd be with me

For blessed is the one
Blessed is the one who trusts You

(You), faithful, just and good
Shepherd of my heart
Lead me to where You are
You, who holds my destiny
I'll follow foolishly
Your love will be my song
So I will trust You

I will trust You in the pain
When I can't see past today
When it's hard to lift my
hands to praise You, I will trust You

(You), faithful, just and good
Shepherd of my heart
Lead me to where You are
You, who holds my destiny
I'll follow foolishly
Your love will be my song

So I will trust You

This is my heart and my prayer this day and for a while.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh the fun!

Recent happenings:

You got to love burning the whole side of your hand right before you walk out of your house in the morning. Good times. But the real thank you goes to the burn cream that has allowed me to function without a cold compress or a frozen water bottle on it.  Not the best way to start my day last Thursday!

Last week was full of grumpiness and just annoyance.

The second that I think I find something that I can do and really enjoy (cause really what I do right now is not my favorite and is not what I was meant to be doing at all....) something stands in the way.

So I have a goal to learn sign language but working two jobs and having so much on your plate already makes it difficult to really add anything that big into your life.  Hopefully I can get to audit a class this fall (so I would only have to go once a week) and then decide if I like it enough to take a class later on.

I have yet to hear back about my interview that was (2weeks ago today) and I dont know how I feel about it.  I am tired and done with an 8-5 job in general and that would be the same except that it would hopefully keep me busy and make me not feel so numb and tired at work.  I am thankful for a job and dont want to always complain (because i know others who may not have one) but I want the magical fairy to come down and with a swoop of her wand I would have the dream job (that is probably not even what I think it is) and I would enjoy work and the everyday.

I have been dreaming up jobs that I would love to do:
-YL Property Staff (working in the kitchen)
-YL Staff
-Sign Language Interpreter (I of course need to learn first)
-Maybe even working for a church (full time...) as a Youth person
-Or as their mission person (who plans mission trips and takes people... (this is a new idea)
-BUT the most recent idea and dreamed up thing I want to do is work for a Christian University and be in charge of Missions and disciple the college students who will be going on the trips and be able to go with them. 

Who knows what God has up his sleeve.  For now he is teaching me patience.

In other news I am excited about a 3day weekend (well really anytime that I dont have to work).  July will be a long students and no vacations after the 4th of July until Labor Day (I have to save up all my days for Haiti).

Mosquitoes + me = Big Red Bumps/Welts

Did I mention that today, YES TODAY, I burnt my other hand on my curling iron (the same way...just 6 days later.) And did I mention how dumb and annoyed I feel...oh cause I do.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


 I was remembering a friend of mine when I realized that it had been about 3 years since he passed away and that he would have graduated this last May if he was around....

Something that was shared at his funeral was an email that he sent to his best friends 11 days before what would be a fatal accident. 

Words that speak so much more truth than they knew when they were spoken....
3:16pm Apr 15th 2008 
"Goodness, you are all some awesome crazy people and I love you all more than you know or I can tell you. And this is life, it smacks you in the face, it blesses you in countless ways, it confuses you to the point where you forget who you are and where you're going. 
God hasn't shown me a lot lately, I think He's trying to get it into my head that He is so much in control, anything and everything in my life is in His hands. And I am struggling. I am struggling to let go. I want to stress about where my life is going, who I am, who I become, and how I affect people. God wants me to care; He doesn't want me to worry.
‘Beautiful is the moment in which we understand that we are no more than an instrument of God; we live only as long as God wants us to live; we can only do as much as God makes us able to do; we are only as intelligent as God would have us to be.’ Archbishop Oscar Rome.
Archbishop Oscar Rome's words seem so right in my head, but I am struggling to take them to heart..... a lot. I guess my prayer for myself and for all of you lovely people is that of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, ‘not my will but Yours be done.’ I pray that we can live ‘in the deathless Truth of His presence’ because this is life. This is what God gave us. Rejoice and be glad. I love you all, but God loves you more, good thing. Love and Peace."
Beautiful. Simple. Truth.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Arizona, Wedding, and VBS OH MY

So... For the last 7 days my life has been absolutely insane...

Wednesday June 8th: 
Go to work from 8am-1pm
              Have Lunch, go to the bank and run last minute errands.
              Drive 2 hours to the Austin Airport (3:30-5:30)
              Get on a plane at 7:30pm: spend the next 2.5 hours hoping my feet dont fall off because of the super cold air blowing on them.
Land in Denver 
(which on most occasions would be an enjoyable thing but not this time...) 
35mins b4 my next flight...
But wait! we landed on the tarmac 
(the already cold Megan in shorts & a T-Shirt will meet outside storming CO)
Wait for 8 mins for our "carry-on" bags that had to go under the tiny "Jet"
Begin my sprint from "Gate 75" to Gate 47
Lost my shoe once but I made it into my seat with just 10mins to spare.
Land in AZ at 10:30pm (12:30p Texas Time)

Thursday June 9th:
Breakfast with the lovely Venita Ballard :)
Ditched by my little sister who went to the movies for 6 hours!
Lunch with Heather
Family Dinner at my Grandma & Pap's

Friday June 10th:
Got woken up from a phone call at 8am (which is 10am in Texas)
Watched "Honey, I shrunk the Kids"
Went Swimming, had lunch & a late but great birthday cake at my Uncle's
Dinner at home with Dad and Chris
I went to go see Kendra at work
(I also secretly got my Dad's Father's Day gift)
Convinced my dad to try a mango and he liked it!
Stayed up watching movies with my family
Saturday June 11th:
Got woken up at 7:15am (again 2 hours later in Texas) from a text message
Watched some movies and ate some cherries :)
Kendra left me again for work...geez
Ate an awesome crab cake sandwich for lunch!
Thought I was getting picked upat 2ish but at 1:15 I had 20mins to finish getting ready
(I was sittiing on the couch enjoying getting ready in spurts and slowly)
Frantically got ready. Dad did directions. Tara picked me up.
Met up with Heather and then Venita and Jeff.
Off and away about 2 hours north for Grace's Wedding!
This was in the background of the wedding!

It was such a beautiful wedding and so perfect!

Grace is Married! :)
Leave the awesome wedding at 9:45pm
Slept about 40 mins in the car ride back (thanks to Venita & Jeff driving)
Home at 11:45p 
Slept from 12-3:30am

Sunday June 12th:
Woke up at 3:30am
(blind for the morning due to leaving glasses in TX)
At the airport at 4pm
(Mind you who in their right mind goes to the airport at 4am...)
Everyone and their mom were there
Felt up and Groped.
Thank you airport security.
4:25am at the gate and we have already begun boarding
5am flight left and I went to sleep
Land in Houston at 9:20am
Put contacts in to see.
Changed terminals. Grabbed Food. Bathroom.
45min flight to Austin.
11:30-1:40pm drive to Waco
20mins to get showered, changed, & out the door
2:15-9:45pm Set up and First Night of VBS
Dinner at 10:30pm

Monday June 13th:
7am (came way too early)
Store and Starbucks all before 8am
Work 8-4pm
4:30-9:30p VBS
Dinner at 10:30pm

Tuesday June 14th:
7am is way too early!
Work 8-4p
4:30-9:30p VBS
Dinner at 10:30pm

Wednesday June 15th:
It took me 20mins to get put of bed.
Work 8-4p
4:30-9:30p VBS
9:30-? (we will see how long) Tear down VBS
(Dinner will be between all the crazy VBS stuff thanks to Brian Longley!)

Belly of the Fish

That is all I got folks...
I now need a few weeks to recoup...


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 The Lord is good.

The Church is good. (and when I say the Church I mean the body of believers).

church on the other hand (as a building) is not my favorite. No organization of flawed people will be perfect but when the Lord is the center of what they are doing I know that only good can come from that.  And by no means are there not good and even amazing things coming from churches (that is what the Lord wants) but I think there is a disconnect between what we are "supposed to do" and what we think we are to do.

Maybe after I get through this blog posting you will group me into a specific kind of Christian (be it Post-Modern, Emergent or whatever you think fits) but in any case I know the Lord has given me a restless heart and has not allowed me to be content in this area.  It may also come up that you do not agree with what I am saying but know that as I write I am processing as well.  I dont believe in the building or the specific denomination but I am also not one of those that takes a little of each religion, I believe in a relationship with Christ.

I am not content and have not been for a while now.  Content in Christ yes (not always because of my part I play in that relationship because like anyone I need to spend more time with him) but content in who he is and knowing and holding onto the promises he has given me.

My restlessness comes from both my previous experiences and my current.(which are just one persons experience and by no means do I believe they would be completely the same if I grew up differently).

I never grew up in a Christian home that went to church every Wed and Sunday.  But the Lord planted seeds along the way and opened the door for me as well as my family to find him.  I personally wanted to grow and to learn and the Lord has made the first 6-7 years with him constant growth and FULL life (the way he intended it to be).
To List a few examples of how and where LIFE has been played out:
-YL and Leaders
-YL Camp
-Two Mexico Mission Trips in High School
-YL Work Crew
-Roommates in College
-Young Life Team I led with
-Discipleship Focus
-More Roommates in College
-YL internship
-Getting to love on and walk with AMAZING YL girls.

(Some of you may read the list above and think, "well Megan did you ever do anything with a church?" Actually yes I did.  "And all of the things you did where mountain top experiences."  Well yes some were a glimpse into what the Lord truly wants for us and maybe even a small window into what Heaven would be like [in my opinion of course] but some of it was all happening in the midst of school and a job and a friend dying and having to process it all.)

The last year to two years has been a very different story.  The community is lacking. The LIFE that is experienced in the communities that are present is not one that has drawn me in.  I know that I have talked about how the Lord has pulled me out into the Dessert to wait on him (and mind you I thought 2011 here we go...back into the promise land and then my mom died which threw my whole world upside down). I know that "Life after College" is different. I know. I have been living that for a year and a half, you do not have to remind me. But life with the believers and life with Christ should not be so different that it is not doing the same things and that is LIVING life to the fullest the way the Lord desires for us to.  (And potentially maybe I have missed what he had for me here because I am this finite being who has many flaws, but I am just not so sure).

There have been some great moments of hope and community shown but they are not constant.  The church (the building, the gatherings, and the times) on the other hand in Waco, TX is what is constant. I don't want that. I want life outside of the walls to be the same as it is in.  Mind you I am so very thankful for the few families that have been that way. And I know that other people want it to be that way but they are stuck (just like me) in this American Society of working, tv, vacations, families or what some call "life" and having to pay bills (or student loans in my case).

But there is MORE. And my heart feels trapped. I know there is more.  There is more than the programming and all the events. What happened to living life with people.  And yes if you want to be a church (building) that GOES your CHURCH (body of believers) needs to want to go.

 The best community I have experienced was when we were all working towards the same goal for someone or something outside of ourselves.  Community and more importantly Authentic Community will not happen unless people want it. You cant make people want it.  But I guarantee if you put a room full of believers together and they are (and these are just examples) building a house or running a camp which causes exhaustion and takes everything they have to do the task at hand, relationships will be built and life will be shared.

That is why I am excited to go to Haiti in October.  To serve. To meet a need. And to do it with people. Lives will and are being changed. That is what it is all about.

It is why I am so excited for my YL Girl (and friend) to get baptized June 19th. Such an incredible thing. And if I could be there I would be.

I know there is more because my heart aches sometimes for those I love that are far away from me. (And when I say people I love they are my brothers and sisters in Christ).  Its one thing I have tried understanding, God wants us to love people but we lose them or they move away or things change yet a part of who we are is because of them if they have also opened their lives up.

Risk and sacrifice cause us to grow and to really live.

Life Change, Discipleship, Evangelism and whatever else a church hopes to do starts with more than programing and checking church off the list.

I dont think the question should be, "what can we add or do more of to disciple and grow as a church?" But i think the question should be, "what are we doing? Is it having the results we want?" (which should be life changes and authentic communities that are going out) "If not, what can we change and/or improve? Do we need to scrap it all together or do we need to revise?"

Adding one more thing in the week that is confined to the walls of the church and (if you have ever been a part of this kind of community that is doing something for others and takes risk and sacrifice you will agree) living in the bubble of church is not satisfying.  For some its their comfort bubble and they do love it and its all they know.  They go to church with people. They share lunch and dinners. They have soccer practice for their kids. They are there every Wednesday, Sunday morning and Sunday night. Along with all of the other volunteer and outreach opportunities.

There is nothing wrong with this...please hear me.  But I think that if there is no way for someone that does not fit into that mold then they will not be welcomed or feel a part of something missing.  Also why are we filling peoples lives up so full that there is no room to rest in Christ?  Even if they are good things that we may be adding to people lives and schedules they could be doing more harm than the good we intend.

There is so much time devoted to church to work on the Church (the people who go there) that there is no time (other than scheduled monthly outreach) to do life with people and we lose opportunities the Lord would have for us.  We tell people to leave room in their schedules and to be able to be open to the Holy Spirit's leading yet we are the ones that are filling their schedules.

Again there are so many reasons (maybe it is Brian's community...not mine or doing ministry/discipleship for myself at one church and working at another) that may have something to do with this restlessness from God but whatever it is I am restless and dissatisfied with MORE programing within the church and less doing LIFE with the CHURCH.

Maybe I just rambled or spoke heresy (in your eyes) but what I know about and how I know Jesus is more through people of the Church and life than church itself.

{Disclaimer:  Church both as a place and as a body of believers is a good thing and by no means am I discounting those who work there(because I work at a church too) Or those who have found that community and full life I have been talking about within the church.}

Monday, June 6, 2011

Its already June

This year has gone by faster than any other year.  The months keep flying by and I keep trucking along doing the same old each day.  A lot of things have happened in May that I more or less was unable to find time to sit and blog about them.
  • A.J. turned 13 (a out we have never had to deal with a boy teenager in the family before)
  • Mother's Day of course.
  • Brian Graduating (and moving out of Penland after 3years) He had a lot of stuff that had to be stored in my apartment (of course) and then we had to find him a place to live for the 2 week break between his new apartment lease and graduating.
  • My Birthday: was spent at work all day and the dinner with Brian. Not the most ideal way to spend the 1st 8hours of my day which brings me to a new tradition; no matter what day my birthday is or what job I have I want to take the day off.
  • Birthday Flowers from Brian!
    Decorations when I came to work....
    All of Brian's stuff in my living room before we moved it out.
  •  Moving! took about 6hours for Brian and I to move his stuff to his apartment and my stuff to mine. (This was after the already crazy morning of getting keys and starting to move a few things while Brian spent 2.5hours in Belton officially moving all of his stuff out of his parents house. Don't forget the 5.5hours I spent the next day cleaning my old apartment (no thanks to my old roommate). Trying to unpack and do VBS stuff concluded my very long 4 day memorial day weekend.
  •  Eli Cooper Smart! Was born on May 31, 2011. So great! and so excited for the Smart Family! Unfortunately the first time Brian and I were able to go by and see Baby Eli he was already 5days old! (thanks to Brian and I working and VBS Training etc etc etc).  Both Beth and Peter have been amazingly supportive and helpful people in our lives and we are blessed by them and so excited for them!
Looking ahead to June: (Which will be just as busy!)
  •  June 4th My Step-dad, Lauren and A.J. went to spread my mom's ashes in Indiana.
  • June 4th Cody and Brandi got Married (My "adopted" parents oldest son)
  •  Arizona June 8th-12th (Grace get married on the 11th!)
  • VBS June 12-15th 6:30-9pm each night
  •  June 25th Ben and Diana get married
Lots of work and lots of Weddings!   After VBS and all of that craziness hopefully I will finish my apartment and can put up pictures :)