Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May :)

Happy First Day of May!

I have always loved May. It meant the end of school, my birthday, summer was coming  and so was swimming. This morning I have been in a pretty good mood and just joyful and thankful.  I also feel a little tired (this has to do with the medicine that I am taking for my arm).

I went to give blood at work yesterday. I passed my iron and out of the country hurdles. They couldn't find a vein they wanted to use/argued about which one. The finally decided and then stuck me. My blood was not coming out right and at this point I was in pain, hand numb, arm stiff. They took the needle out and said they could have hit a nerve. They sent me to the doctors. It looks like they did indeed hit a nerve and maybe a tendon or two. I now am taking a 6 day steroid pack.

Since taking the medicine it has been a lot better. I still do not have full motion of my right arm but I have more than I did yesterday and slowly but surely the swelling has started to go down. My arm was three times the size of my left one yesterday and it hurt even when I didn't move my arm. They said the steroids may keep me awake at night but thankfully last night that was not the case.   Glad that it is getting better but bummed that I do not get to go to my lunch work out for a week and I can't play softball on Thursday with our league.  I can cheer them on!

Things that I am excited about in may:
-Putting in the rest of the Garden!
-Brian finishing the semester
-My Birthday and trip to Texas for Richard and Melissa's Wedding
-It continuing to warm up and be great weather here for evening walks and star gazing (we can see so many from where we live)

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