I have been thinking about the idea of knowing God and sharing
him with others. That is all we have been called to do. Sometimes we
get bogged down in the day to day (and this is me for sure) and I lose
that focus. Right now, as I said before I am trying to find my first love
(Jesus) and fall in love with him all over again. The hardest part
about this, for me, is breaking free from the world of 8-5 mondane life of
work and then dinner, dishes, and cleaning.
I am also trying to change my mindset and keep myself accountable to a renewed attitude. The work I do Monday through Friday 8-5pm makes a difference even if I do not see it. I am serving the Lord and my husband each day. Its hard when you feel like you are called to serve somewhere else or would prefer to serve in a different way. God is Lord and I have to trust him that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. We are loving our community and this season in life (outside of work) and we know its just a season so we will take it! (even if I do not get the new job).
Things that I am excited about:
-Only 1 day of work left before 9 days off. I am excited to see some of our friends and family in Texas.
-The end of the semester for Brian! He has been a trooper and I am so proud but I am so ready for him to only have one class (in July) over the next three months.