Thursday, June 14, 2012


Over the last 2+ years (almost 2.5) I have gotten to know an amazing church body that is Brazos Meadows Baptist Church.  They have blessed me in countless ways and I am grateful to have known each of them.  It was awesome to find my "adoptive family" there who have been a joy and blessing to know.  I also got to witness something that doesn't always happen.  A body of believers coming together to support a mission trip that is through another church. Just one of the awesome things they did.  The Lord has used BMBC to provide for me, as well as a place to find some amazing poeple who have walked along side me as my journey brought me to Waco.

The quilt above was an idea by my "adoptive mom" from the kids at Brazos to me. So sweet!

Thank you BMBC for loving me well!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh my...

I am trying to sit still while at work and I need to go run a mile or something to take away the excitement and adrenalin I have.  What an afternoon!

I was sitting here and I get an e-mail from someone at Asbury Theological Seminary for an interview next week! As I am trying to not freak out (over excitement and provision this job could be) and e-mail back a good time to meet, I got a phone call for another position through Americorps for Lexington Rescue Mission. Both of these jobs would be amazing (for different reasons of course)!

The only reason I answered that phone call was because am still waiting to hear back about my interview from last week and it was an 859 number which is in KY.

So three possible ways the Lord is going to provide. All of which are the more exciting jobs I have applied to! So Blessed! The Lord is Good.

Continued prayer over these interviews, possible job opportunities for Brian, our move(which is happening next week!) and discernment if it comes to me choosing which one would be best is much needed!

Here is to a great last weekend in waco cleaning/packing/waco's farmer's market/saying some goodbyes and hanging out with people!